As we receive questions from our players and parents that we believe to be relevant to everyone, we will post our responses here. If your question isn't answered here, send your coach a note.
Q: Does the AAU Fall Program provide transportation to games and other activities affiliated with the programs?
A: Unfortunately, we are not able to offer or coordinate rides to games and other activities.
Q: During the Fall Program, what is the player expected to wear to skill development days?
A: Skill development days, players are requested to wear white pants, black shirt, black hat and baseball cleats.
Q: During the Fall Program, what is the player expected to wear to scrimmages and games?
A: Two answers for the 16U and 18U teams:
For those that played on the AAU 16U Summer Ball team, please wear the gold jerseys you received during the summer, white pants, black socks and black hat. Players that did not participate in the AAU 16U Summer Ball team will receive a gold jersey. Players are asked to supply their own white pants, black sox, black belt and black hat.
For those that played on the AAU 18U Summer Ball team, please wear the black jersey you received during the summer, white pants, black socks and black hat. Players that did not participate in the AAU 18U Summer Ball team will receive a black jersey. Players are asked to supply their own white pants, black sox, black belt and black hat.
Q: Where do players store their gear for games, skill development and conditioning days?
A: We are limited on storage for baseball player gear. Most players either leave their gear in their car or they store it next to the baseball office in building 300. If you store your gear next to the baseball office, please enter the South end of the building through the room 303 hallway (next to the building 300 bathrooms).