This page includes raw footage from games, practices and recruiting video work. Use it to evaluate your play. Review notes. Download to create clips for recruiting purposes or to keep for yourself.
Drive glove to hand on exchange and travel to throwing shoulder
Work on grip - use three fingers - thumb, index and middle fingers. More fingers = more friction = less velo
Good footwork and forward momentum, stayed short with feet
Get head and chest toward 2B - think straight line to 2B with the upper body
Try not to recoil after release - unnecessary stress on the arm

Shaffer Throwdowns-210218

Head + chest to 2B. Once we get the head directed 2B, the chest will follow

Head up to 2B

Work on just thumb, index and middle finger on ball; hand on top of ball on exchange with elbow at same height as ball

3 fingers on ball, elbow up earlier